
No vaping sign held up in front of a crowd of people | High Lakes Health Care

Warnings and Risks Associated with Teen Vaping

Posted on December 19, 2019 by in News

If you somehow didn’t know that vaping is dangerous for young kids, teens, and young adults, let’s set the record straight. Yes, vaping is very dangerous. If you’re still not convinced, or your teen isn’t, here are factual warnings and risks associated with vaping. What Is Vaping? Using an e-cigarette is called vaping or JUULing.

close up of hands folded  | High Lakes Health Care

How Your Fingernails Can Show Signs of Disease

Posted on September 16, 2019 by in Primary Care

Many women prefer to paint their fingernails in a rainbow of different colors, but what is hiding beneath the colorful polish could be informative. Carefully observe your nails between your next manicure to learn how your fingernails can show signs of disease. Fingernail Abnormalities Nails change, and some of those changes are totally benign. Others

young girl with glasses holding a book standing in front of chalkboard | High Lakes Health Care

Tips for Your Kid’s First Day Back to School

Posted on August 16, 2019 by in Pediatrics

The first day back to school after the long summer break might be something your child is dreading (or maybe just a few are excited), and yet it can’t come soon enough for some parents. Whether your children are counting the days or dreading the first day, here are some parental tips for your kid’s

drawing of a person in profile view holding hands to forehead and pink colored brain activated | High Lakes Health Care

Can You Be Too Young for a Stroke?

Posted on March 3, 2019 by in Preventative Care

Like many medical issues, strokes are often thought of as only affecting older people. However, it’s important to understand that strokes can affect someone at any age from infancy through adolescence and beyond and the ultimate goal should be to focus on prevention. So, what should you proactively do to prevent a stroke from happening

closeup of female clutching hands over pelvic region | High Lakes Health Care

STI vs. UTI: What’s The Difference Between Their Symptoms?

Posted on January 18, 2019 by in Gynecology

STI vs. UTI and what is the difference between their symptoms is quite a common dilemma. There are some symptoms similar to both a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), so sometimes it may be difficult to to discern which type of infection your symptoms represent. What follows may help you

young adult woman holding head and sneezing into tissue looking sick | High Lakes Health Care

5 Easy Ways To Avoid The Flu This Season

Posted on December 19, 2018 by in Flu Prevention

Unless you are a hermit, live in a bubble, or plan to stay alone int the woods from October through March, you are susceptible to the flu. Anytime you are near someone who is sick or touch something a sick person also touched recently, you put yourself at higher risk. Have children? The odds go