Have you experienced changes in your vaginal health since menopause? Did you know that as many as 50% of women experience changes in their vaginal and sexual health. There are symptoms of menopause that no one ever talks about including painful intercourse, urinary incontinence, extreme vaginal dryness or laxity, and loss of intimacy due to these symptoms. It’s OK to talk about it – because now there is a new therapy that really works! MonaLisa Touch can relieve painful intercourse, reduce urinary urgency, restore your satisfaction, and revive your relationship.
With aging and childbirth, the muscles in your vagina can stretch and loosen. This can result in decreased sensation during intercourse and difficulty achieving orgasms. MonaLisa Touch is an in-office procedure that uses radio frequencies to stimulate collagen and promote new growth. The new collagen will then tighten the inside of the vagina as well as the vaginal opening.
This results in not only a tighter vagina but can also help treat urinary incontinence and improve vaginal lubrication. Women and their partners have reported significantly improved sexual satisfaction. High Lakes Health Care is proud to help women improve their sexual health with the use the MonaLisa Touch Laser Vaginal Therapy.
MonaLisa Touch delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall that stimulates a healing response, generating new collagen in the tissue. From women in their 20’s on through the 80’s, virtually any woman who wants to restore and rejuvenate the vagina, can. Some of the conditions that can be successfully treated with the MonaLisa Touch include:
A typical course of treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks. Each is performed on an out-patient basis, taking only a few minutes to complete. Most women who have had the procedure report they have noticeable improvements after only one or two treatments, having even greater results after subsequent treatments.